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    Ann May to Priscilla May 24 May 1826 Bishopsgate 5th Mo 24 My dearest P. It is near supper time & yet we have but just got thro' the bustle of setting of the Tottenhamers but without further ceremony I must go back to the opening of the meeting this morning - whan we were favored with a solid & deeply instructive opportunity in the early part of it Ann Jones requested leave to visit the men's meeting where we hear her testimony was a powerful one & addressed chiefly to the rich. E.Fry was most pathetic in supplication - Anna Price spoke with great effect she is the mother of Edwin P. of whom we had a printed account some years since - Ann Lucas & Grizzle were at the desk & at the committee the appointments were E.Dudley Clerk. Catherine Backhouse assistant S.Corder & R.Stacey readers - in the men's meeting Josiah & Robert Foster & Young Sturge. Edward brought C. [Caroline] in the chaise & returned alone being much hurried - Jane seems pretty well today but we both staid at home this afternoon owing to the pouring rain Rachel & Henry May & my sister M.Edward dined here Bracy Clark came to take the two former in his chaise all in the wet but R. is so easy & pleasant that she did not mind it. I saw L.Beck at meeting, we hear that Amelia Opie is here hope to get sight of her - Alfred Tuckett came up by the night coach came out of meeting this afternoon to chat with us being overcome with sleepiness which was no wonder - This evening we have had Alfred Waterhouse introducing his brother Roger W. & sister Margaret &c. J.Shipley remains at Manchester. I have seen Thomasin in the crowd and have been writing to Colchester about her to J.Gripper but she will not do for his housekeeper as he wants a good reader.- I hear there are two of H.Kenway's brothers here Gowan & another - Tomorrow we are to have the company of E.Broadbank & her daughter Hannah - A sad account is received of poor Sam Curtis who hurt his back at school he is suffering sadly from blisters &c. & there is reason to fear he will be a cripple. I was glad of thine this morning my our love & thanks to J.P.W. for his - poor Robert my love to him I hope the next account will be more favourable am rather discouraged on hearing of blistering & bleeding again - hope thy aunt D. will not be overdone - shall depend on your care towards my precious boy & letting me know if I am wanted. I conclude R.J.sen. sleeps in my room it may be needless to say do all you can for his comfort & relief. Thy F. is gone to bed & I am keeping F.& J. up so farewell my dear accept & present our love to all & believe me ever Thy affectionate Mother. Priscilla.
  • Date free text
    24 May 1826
  • Production date
    From: 1826 To: 1826
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