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    Eliza Beck to Priscilla May 19 Feb 1826 Hitchin 19th of 2nd Mo 1826 My dear Priscilla According to thy request I now intend to write thee a letter but what sort of a one it will be I cannot say but leave thee to find out when I come to the end of my phrasing ditty for such it no doubt will be. Well to begin without any further pro & con I may thank thee for thy kind letter. I have not got much to tell thee so thou must excuse a poor letter. I suppose thou hast most likely heard of the loss our meeting has sustained in the death of E.J.Wheeler. she was taken more poorly last 4th day the next day became insensible and continued so till the 6th day after noon at 4 o'clock when without a struggle Her happy spirit left the encumbring clay. And soared triumphant to the realms of day Sudden as was the final close there is every reason to believe that her day's work was fully accomplish'd. she had been so long in a declining state of health that her illness was not at first thought of so alarming a nature as it really was and consequently the shock felt more severely by her friends. her daughters seem much distress'd, nor it is to be wondered at when we consider the many years they have watch'd over her with unremitting attention night & day. More affectionate or more attentive they could not have been. The interment is fix'd for next 6th day. I suppose a large number of relations will attend. Our Latin goes on pretty much as usual we are still in the same book. I hope we improve a little though it is but little. 19th of 2nd Mo 1826 We have heard of the arrival of the Woodford at Madras but continue to be disappointed in not hearing from our dear Sailor it is tantalizing work but hope lightens the burden. We have been reading the life and remains of Jane Taylor, she is a most interesting character I think she shines least in her smaller pieces of poetry though some of them are very pretty. indeed it is hardly right to pass judgement upon them as they were never intended by herself for publication. I have not yet seen thy little Ampthill niece but understand it is a sweet little thing. I suppose our next M.M. but one will be held at A. when I may stand a chance of seeing the little stranger. I suppose thou hast heard how anxious we have all been about poor H.Ransom but I am now glad to inform thee that she & baby both seem getting on and tho' it is but gradually the former seems to mend a little every day. 1st day. The day before yesterday we attended the funeral of E.J.W. a great numbers of strangers were present amongst whom were E & A {Ca...} J & M Ipsley,, W.Rickman, T & R Christy, S.& A.May and several others much was said both at the ground & meeting and an unusual degree of solemnity attended both opportunities. I am concerned to hear of the illness of dear Grandfather. Mother is going tomorrow to see him therefore I must conclude with love & Thine sincerely Eliza Beck Since Writing the foregoing we have had a good account from our beloved Edward. [Seal with E.B.] Susanna Corder For P.May Stoke Newington
  • Date free text
    19 Feb 1826
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    From: 1826 To: 1826
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