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    Ann May to Priscilla May at Doncaster 1820/21 Ampthill 5th day Afternoon My dearest P. I am just informed that our kind friend J.Bennell purposes going through Doncaster to-morrow, on his way to Ackworth, had not so good an opportunity presented I intended writing, in compliance with thy request when we were in the chaise - we had the pleasure to hear of thy safe arrival at school, previous to the receipt of E.A.'s kind letter confirming the good news, with the agreeable addition that thou wast comfortably settled in again; by this time I concluded thou art joined by all thy school fellows, hope & trust you are happily met, resuming your studies & pursuits with delight. Before opening this it is likely thou wilt have learn't from J.B. the affecting tidings that his poor Maria is no more, she had not quite a week to live when thou took leave of her, thou knows't it was first day evening, the next seventh she breathed her last, having been quite insensible for some days - her remains were interred the following fourth; I could have wished thee here at such an instructive season - a few friends from a distance gave us their company, I dined with them at Houghton, the family were enabled to bear their loss with much quietude, and becoming submission to the Divine Will. Nancy & her cousin Martha Grimes dined here yesterday, Samuel & I took a long walk with them through the Avenue & Park. I must tell thee that the poor little kitten was sent to Christopher's new farm, where she is likely to have a good home - thou wilt be sorry to hear that old puss was nearly kill'd, by being run over by the cart opposite the front door the very day of Maria's funeral - she still walks limping, but I hope will recover, is lying by me looking very happy just now. Our dear James went to Ingm Court about four days after we had parted from thee, I miss you very much, but the thought of its being so much to your advantage helps to reconcile me to the loss of your endeared company, we find James did not go to school until last 2nd day Edward said he was very well, and enjoyed himself finely J.Wise met him there, went several times to Edward's, he returned just in pudding time yesterday, after an absence of nearly three weeks. I do not know what our dear Charles will think of our joint epistle, it was truly a curious looking thing, for I had filled up the blank side, and crossed thine & J's , so hope he had enough for his money - When at Baldock last 2nd day week I saw Francis' master J.J. he was in a very weak state of body, but in an excellent frame of mind, told me he was so entirely resigned as to be equally willing to live or die; which even thou, my dear, must know to be a great attainment, so fondly as we naturally cling to life, and our earthly comforts. This morning I received a kind letter from thy aunt C. at Alton requesting another month's absence for Henry; his brother Frederick is to spend some time with them next month, and they are depending on so great a pleasure as all the ten passing a little time together. Thy ever loving - Mother -- Nancy Morris is going to H. with us - their dear love to thee No address, by hand.
  • Date free text
    1820 - 1821
  • Production date
    From: 1820 To: 1821
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: 1
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