w/mkd, 1820
Extract from Kensworth Parliamentary Inclosure Award dated 6 Jan 1801 of allotments made to James Pye, viz.(a) one plot of land on the common, containing 22 perches bounded on the south by the common road; on the west by the 6th allotment to the Trustees of Jane Cart's Charity, on the north by the cottage homestead of the James Pye and on the east by the second allotment of the devisees of the Rev. Thomas Scott.(b) appointment in exchange of a plot of land being the south-east part of an ancient enclosed orchard and containing 11 perches bounded on the south-west by the cottage homestead of James Pye, on the north-west by an ancient inclosed orchard of the Trustees of Jane Cart's Charity and on the north east and south east by the remaining part of the inclosed orchard of Ann Scott; to be exchanged for 17 perches of land, the second allotment awarded to James Pye, given to Ann Scott and the other devisees of Thomas Scott.
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From: 1820 To: 1820
No. of pieces: 1
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