• Reference
  • Title
    Conveyance (Lease and Release). £150. (i) Robt. Thorns Lugsden. (ii) Wm. Day of St. Neots. (iii) Geo. Smith of Colney Hatch. (iv) Jn. Lloyd of Snowhill, London, tobacconist (trustee of (iii).) (v) Chas. Lloyd of Haymarket Middx. tobacc- onist. (trustee of (ii).) - - - - Property as in no. 1166. Assignment of Mortgage term to (v) in trust for (ii). Conveyance to (iii). (Rec. (a) will of Wm. Lugsden of Lt. Staughton 12 Jan. 1767, devising to son Jas. the property. (b) will of Jas. Lugsden, 2 Aug. 1804, devising it to son Wm. (c) by enclosure Wm. was alloted land in lieu. (d) death of Wm. intestate, leaving (i) his only son. (e) no. 1166.) Witn. : Geo. Day. 2 applied seals (conv.)
  • Date free text
    19, 20 Sept. 1832
  • Production date
    From: 1832 To: 1832
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: 1
  • Level of description