• Reference
  • Title
    Deed of Partition. (i) Thos. Wiffin of Bedford, tailor, Jas. Wiffin of Goldington yeoman, Wm. Wiffin of same yeoman (exors. of Jas. Wiffin of Goldington, gent). (ii) Jane Wiffin of Clapham (mother of Jas. & Wm.) (iii) Jos. Grey of Bedford, innholder, Jn. Grey of same, & Jn. Cooch of same.
  • Date free text
    7 June 1728.
  • Production date
    From: 1728 To: 1728
  • Scope and Content
    (Rec. (a) Will of Jas. Wiffin, 23 Jan. last, bequeathing residual estate to bro. Thos. & nephews James. & Wm. ; He died Mar. last, residue of £1,900. (b) Agreement that £630 each be pd. to Thos.Wiffin & Wm. Wiffin & they were torelease claims on effects & exorship. to Jas. (c) Mortgage 26 July 1723 by Jn. Green ofWootton tailor to testor, for £100 of lands inWootton. - Mortgage 14 May 1720 by Jn. Oakley of Bedford, barber to same, for £100 of mess in St. Paul's. - Mortgage 12 May 1716: Thos. Mayes sen. of Keysoe, tailor & Thos Mayes jun. to Jn. Wiffin of Goldington (dec.) for £24 - cottage, pightle,4 ac. leys in Keysoe, which fell due to testor on d. of Jn., as exor. - Bond in £100 of 23 Nov. 1713, Jn. Oakley to Jas. Wiffin (testor.). - Bond in £40 of 5 Mar. 1724, Jas. Warren of Elstow yeoman to same, to pay £41. - Bond of 6 July 1717 in £60, Abr. & Thos. Barber of Keysoe yeoman to same, to pay £30. 15s. - Bond of 14 May 1715 in £60, Jn. & Geo. Sugar of Goldington yeoman to Jn. Wiffin (dec.), to pay £30. 15s. - Bond of 3 May 1710 in £60, Jn. & Geo. Sugar of same to testor. to pay £30. 18s. - Bond of 29 May 1727 in £40, Wm. Islip of Bromham grasier & Jas. Bray of Bedford, innholder to same, to pay £20. (d) All the above are still owing to (i), totalling £424. (i) agree to assign them to (iii) to hold in trust for Thos. Wiffin, towards the paymentof £630, his share in effects of testor.) (Further Rec. (a) Testor owned mess. & malting yards in St. Paul's Bedford, purch. from Nath. Bardelph, part occ by Jn. Grey, & died without expressly bequeathing it. (worth £260) (b) £93 worth of Malt, at above mess. (c) Bond of 21 June last in £80 by Jn. Whitbread of Goldington yeoman to testor, to pay £40. - Bond of 27 Mar. 1727 in £60, by Jn. Richards of Souldrop gent & Robt. his son to same, to pay £30. (d) Wm. Wiffin has agreed to take the above, ammounting to £423, as part of his share of £630. Mess. in St. Paul's conveyed to (iii) by L & R of even date to hold in trust.) (Further Rec. (a) testor owned cott., pightle, orchard (3 r.), cott., pightle in Greenditch Fd., 1 selion (1/2 ac.) in Windmill fd., 1 selion (1/2 ac.) in Rood Close, 1 selion (1/2 ac.) in River Fd. in Crosspiece in Goldington purch. from Fra. Brace & Geo. Beck gent. and 1 ac. arable in Small Croft, Goldington, purch. of Jn. Thurloe Brace. Died without making express bequest. (b) Jane & Jas. Wiffin own 3 ac. arable in Goldington, viz.: 1 ac. in Appledine close, 1 ac. in Wood close, 1 ac. in River Fd., late of Jn. Wiffin husb. of Jane, purch. from Ann Brace. This is to be conveyed in trust for Jas. Wiffin. (c) Testor bequeathed to nephew Edw. Wiffin £20 at age 22, & to receive interest on from testor's decease. - To nieces Mary & Martha £60 each. - To Ann, dau. of Ant. Cook £20. (d) Since these were not due to fall due for a long time, pties. agree that proceeds of all above lands to be used to pay legacies.) - - - All above recited props. conveyed to trustees. Residuary estate of testor assigned by (i) to (iii) in trust for Jas. Wiffin. £100 owed to testor by Jn. Thurloe Brace of Astwood, Bucks. & Edw. Boswell of Goldington yeoman & Thos. Richards of Bromham, if unpaid, is to be borne proportionately by Thos, & Wm. Wiffin. Jas. agrees to pay all funeral expenses, debts & legacies. Witn. : Wm. Glynn, Jos. Grey jun. 4 applied seals (conv.)
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: 1
  • Level of description