• Reference
  • Title
    Articles of Partnership. (i) Jos. Barnard. (ii) Thos. Barnard. (iii) Fra. Green of Bedford, merchant. (Rec. that (iii) was adm. as partner on 1 Jan. 1813 in consid. of £1,500 pd. into joint stock.) - - (1) To be partners for 12 yrs. and to raise £30,000 joint stock. (2) (i) & (ii) to conduct business, & notes to be signed by them in names of all the partners. (iii) can sign notes etc. if both (i) & (ii) are absent. (3) Joint stock to be used for the business alone. Partners can carry on another trade. Proceeds to be proportionately divided. (4) Wages & overheads to be pd. by (i) & (ii) who are to be pd. £400 p.a. for this purpose. (5) as in (5) in no.1. (6) as in (6) in no.1, except that annual account to be made on 1 Jan. (7) (i) can retire at 6 months notice; (ii) & (iii) can retire after 6 yrs. or 9 yrs. on 6 months notice. Retiring partner to assign his share to survivors, & is to be pd. his share of the capital at 5% in 1 yr. (i) can assign all his share to (ii). Surviving 2 partners can continue p'ship, with same liberty to retire. If 2 retire the survivor can continue alone or take a fresh partner. If (i) or (ii) die or retire, (iii) to have sole conduct of the business. (8) As in (8) in no.1. (9) As in (9) in no.1. Also that partners so dismissed shall not carry on business of a banker in Bedford town or county, so long as other partners continue to do so, under pain of £10,000 damages. (10) As in (10) in no.1. (11) As in (11) in no.1. Except that (i) may transfer his share to (ii). (12) Whenever there is a credit balance exceeding £15,000, the excess to be invested in bank annuities. (13) As in (12) in no.1. (14) Disputes to be referred to Samuel Whitbread of South- ill esq., or if he is dead or unwilling to 3 arbit- rators (chosen as in no.1.). Award to be made a rule of K.B. (15) Rec. that on commencement of p'ship £10,000 3% bank annuities, £752 reduced bank annuities, £20,000 6% bank annuities were part of the assets of (i) & (ii). - - Agreed that this to be taken to be worth £21,851, any deficit or excess on this being pd. or taken by (i) & (ii), and that the div- idends are to be divided between the partners. If, on sale of these, they realise less than estimated, the deficit to be made up by (i) & (ii). Witn. : Theed Pearse. 3 applied seals (conv.)
  • Date free text
    16 Apr. 1814
  • Production date
    From: 1814 To: 1814
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: 1
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