• Reference
  • Title
    Mortgage i) John Carr, Toddington, farmer ii) Jane Woodman, Leighton Buzzard, widow Thomas Woodman, Littlecote, Stewkley, Bucks, gentleman William Heley, Wing, Bucks, gentleman consideration - 2500 paid to i) by ii) out of monies belonging to them on a joint account i) conveys to ii) - freehold land once estimated at 34 acres 11 perch but now 36 acres 1 rod 4 perch, with farmhouse standing thereon in Upper Field, Toddington (as in plan on conveyance of even date) subject to right of way [as before] interest - 4 10s p.a. also i) covenants with ii) that he will procure himself to be admitted tenant and then will surrender - copyhold land (20 acres 2 rod 2 perch) in Toddington part of Upper Field and Furzen Close South (part) above freehold property North East Luton Road North & part East devisees of John Carr, deceased East (other part) Dunstable Road East (rem part) John Adkins subject to redemption on repayment of principal and interest premises to be insured in 250 to secure punctual payment of interest, i) attorns tenant to iii) of said freehold and copyhold property at yearly rent of 112 10s to be paid half yearly sigs of all endorsed receipt wit John Newton, solicitor, Leighton Buzzard 26 October 1868 also endorsed with: Transfer of mortgage a) Thomas Woodman William Heley b) Emily Ann Woodman, 38, Vicarage Road, Camberwell, Surrey, spinster reciting surrender of copyhold property on 26 October 1868 to use of Jane Woodman, since deceased, and a) reciting death of Jane Woodman on 31 May 1871 now, in consideration of the premises, a) assign to b) - said principal sum of 2500 still owing - freehold land comprised in main deed to hold subject to equity of redemption upon payment to b) of said 2500 also a) covenant with b) that they will procure themselves to be admitted tenant and will surrender into hands of Lord or Lady of Manor of Toddington - all copyhold lands as in main deed to use of b) sig of a) wit John Newton 25 September 1878 attached: Letter from Richard Cooke, Luton, to J C Minet, London and County Bank, being a covering letter to various deeds which he requests may be placed with others in his possession 7 July 1884
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1884 To: 1884
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: 1
  • Level of description