i) Wm. Wilshere, junr., Hitchin, gent. sole acting exor. of
last will of Wm. Crawley late of Kimpton, afterwards of
of Hitchin, yeo. decd.
ii) Joseph Osborn, Toddington, carpenter
iii) Jn. Bates, junr., Offley, Herts. blacksmith
reciting deed poll 23 May 1786 increasing charge on above
mortgage, and the death of Wm. Crawley
ASSIGNMENT by (i) to (iii) for 273 18s and 11 2s.
- property as in B 497 above
all of which is in ten. Thos. Partridge at yearly rent 30
Covenant concerning copyhold land.
witn. Jos. Halstead, Isaac Coxall.
Date free text
18 May 1790
Production date
From: 1790 To: 1790
Level of description