Deed to lead to uses of a fine
i) Jn. Taylor, Biggleswade, grocer
Benj. Green, Ampthill, and wife Mary
Thos. Taylor, citizen and cheesemonger of London and w. Eliz.
Edw. Crouch, Holme, Biggleswade, yeo.
ii) Benj. Bevan, Beckerings Park, Ridgmont, yeo.
reciting that Robt. Cooper was seized in fee simple of
A) mess. in church St., Ampthill, now in occ. John Lathwell
B) cottage or tenement in Maulden once in occ. widow West,
now Samuel Day
C) 3 leys or half acres sward in Maulden on Long Stanyards flg.
and 3 roods meadow in the Doles in Maulden
D) an other messuage in Church St., Ampthill
E) bay of barning in Ampthill
and made his will dated 27 March 1725 leaving to Edw. Crouch and
Ann his wife the cottage in Maulden; to his son John Taylor and
Mary his wife all other property for life, then to Mary Taylor their
dau. (now the wife of Benj. Green) and her issue, and in default
of issue to Thos. Taylor their son and issue, in default of
issue to Edw. Crouch. Will proved in Peculiar of Biggleswade.
DEED to Lead the Uses of a fine:
(A) and (C) to the uses of Benj. Green; (B) to the use of Edw. Crouch;
(D) to use of Copperwheat; (E) to use of Everitt
witn. Sam. Sanderson, dissenting minister at Bedford; John
Brydall of Ampthill, surgeon; Thos. Coote of Ampthill, victualler;
Rich. Ward of Leighton Buzzard, Richard Fitzpatrick.
Date free text
1 Sep 1743
Production date
From: 1743 To: 1743
Level of description