• Reference
  • Title
    Conveyance ia) Mary Pye, Devonshire St., Queen Sq., Mddx., wid. of Hen. Pye late of Farringdon, Berks., esq. decd., and dau. and devisee in will of David James, late of Woughton on the Green, Bucks., esq. decd. ib) Walter Pye, Villiers St., Strand, St. Martin in the Fields, esq., a son if (ia) ii) Lucy Wyles, Ampthill, spinster iii) John Morris, Ampthill, brewer CONVEYANCE (L & R) by (i) to (ii) for 5 to (ia) for life interest and 45 to (ib) - 2r. 9p. in Ampthill, part of Moat Close, bounded N by land belonging to the Earl of Upper Ossory, E by remaining part of Moat Close lately pur. by Jn. Bolding, S by Walnut Tree Close belonging to Lucy Wyles, part N and part W by land of Feoffees of the Ampthill Charity, a small part of N and small part of W by an ancient road or way into Church Close which was once in the occupation of General St. Ledger since of Thos. Stone and as (iii) has purchased other estates of (i) and has the title deeds COVENANT by (iii) to produce title deeds, i.e. a) Lease and Release 23/24 Jan 1720 bet. Wm. Arnald, Thos. Money, Jn. Pitkin, Margt. Arnald widow of Thos. Arnald, Grey Arnald son and heir of Thos. Arnald, Mich. Arnald clerk a son of Thos. Arnald, Lucy Arnald spinster, Mary Arnald spinster, Margt. Arnald spinster three daus. of Thos., on the one part, and David James, testator, and w. Martha of the other. b) Deed poll of Mary Pye 8 Jan 1802 c) Lease and Release 18/19 Mar 1802 Sir Thos. Hanmer of first part, Mary and Walter Pye of second part, Thos. Gotobed.
  • Date free text
    24-25 Mar 1802
  • Production date
    From: 1802 To: 1802
  • Level of description