• Reference
  • Title
    "J.H.Brantom, Successful Calf Rearing" published by Thos.Brantom & Co., Contractors to H.M.Government, Steam Spice and Cake Mills, Leighton Buzzard; illustrated booklet on successful calf rearing, covering topics such as the milk demand versus supply, management of cow and calf, calf's first week, greedy cows, artificial teats, calf meals or milk substitutes, methods of rearing, dishorning stock, ailments and diseases, remedies for commonly occurring diseases and dosorders among horses; contains index, table of composition of milk of various animals, illustrations of prize animals and herds and a stallion bred by the King, testimonials from customers and agents [two dated 1897], press opinions and advertisements for milk meal, dairy cake, game and poultry spice; price list for Brantom's products and list of some of their agents [printed iv+49+7pp]
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1900 To: 1910
  • Exent
  • Level of description