• Reference
  • Title
    Abstract of the title of the personal representative of the late Mrs Ellen Hucklesby to Leaside Villa, New Bedford Road, Luton. Abstracting from 1877-1929 as follows: As to the major portion (i) Conveyance dated 4 August 1877 from John Boyle of Southampton Buildings, London, esq., barrister, William Stuart of Kempston, lieutenant colonel in the Beds. Militia, and Charles Stuart of Hubborne Lodge, Christchurch, Southampton, Major General in HM Army, acting as the trustees of the will of John Crichton Stuart, Marquess of Bute and Earl of Dumfries, deceased, at the request and by the direction of Frank Chapman Scargill of Luton, esquire, for 414, to Asher Hucklesby of Luton, straw hat manufacturer, of: (a) 2 several pieces of building ground being part of a close of land late in the occupation of William Farr in Luton containing 92 poles, bounded on the S by the River Lea and Bedford Road, E by a private road, W by premises of Arthur Thomas Webster, NE by property of Mrs. Gray; together with free use of the carriage road to and from the New to the Old Bedford Road; and subject to the rent charges payable on the land and to covenants on the part of AH (restricting the user of the land to residential occupation and specifying the quality of the buildings which can erected) and to existing rights of way 'through in and over the said premises as marked out in the[accompanying] plan leading to and from the said private road to the land of the said [ATW]'. Recites that the Marquess of Bute, being the owner of the above land, amongst other land in Luton, by his will dated 22 July 1847, devised all his freehold estates in Bedfordshire to the use of Lord James Stuart and Onesiphorus Tyndall Bruce (both since deceased) and James Munro Macnabb (who had since retired from the trusts of the will) upon trust for sale; death of the Marquess on 18 March 1848 and probate of his will in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 19 April 1848; divers appointments and assurances in the period 1852-1855, and in 1859 whereby JB and WS were made trustees of the will with CS; Order of Vice Chancellor Wood made 29 Jan 1859 that the estate which had vested, by virtue of the 1855 deed, in LJS, JB and CS, should vest in LJS and WS jointly for all the estate therein of LJS, JB and CS but upon the trusts of the will; death of LJS on 7 Sep 1859; deed of 8 Mar 1860 whereby CS (described in the deed as 'lately returned to the United Kingdom') was appointed a trustee of the will instead of LJS; contract and agreement for sale of the land to FCS for 414, he having since contracted and agreed to sell the land to AH. Includes declaration barring dower by the trustees/releasees; and covenant by AH to 'pay his fair share' of the expense of keeping the 'road with the bridges and gates in repair jointly with all the other parties having rights through and over the same right of way.' As to the remainder (ii) Conveyance dated 20 Oct 1882 from Arthur Thomas Webster of the Mount, New Bedford Road, Luton, straw hat manufacturer, to Arthur Hucklesby of New Bedford Road, Luton, straw hat manufacturer, for 400, of: (b) piece of land fronting the River Lea in Luton measuring 36' in front, 30' at the rear, 210' on the N side, and 207' on the S, and containing 25p. 9yds. 'subject to all easements' affecting the same. Includes covenants by AH not to erect a building upon the land the doors or windows of which should open towards or overlook the property of ATW on the N side of the land conveyed; within 12 months to remove his stable, then fronting the right of way at the rear of his property, and not to erect any building adjoining the right of way having any door or window opening on or overlooking the same; within 3 months to erect and forever maintain a substantial brick wall 8' high along the E side of the land conveyed. Acknowledgement by ATW of the right of AH to the production of a deed of 23 Dec 1867 made between John Boyle of Barnards Inn (Middx.), William Stuart of Kempston and Charles Stuart of Hubborne, Southampton, then trustees for the will of the Marquis of Bute of the first part and ATW of the other part. As to all the land (iii) Will dated 11 Oct 1907 of Asher John Hucklesby of Lea Side Villa, Luton, straw hat and plait merchant, appointing his wife Ellen Hucklesby, Frederick William Plummer of New Bedford Road, Luton, straw hat merchant, Albert Wilkinson of Crescent Road, Luton, straw plait merchant, and Henry Standbridge of Dunstable Road, Luton, warehouseman, to be trustees of his will; and devising to his wife in fee simple the messuage or tenement known as 'Lea Side' Villa with the garden and appurtenances then in his own occupation and situate in the New Bedford Road Luton [being Parcels A-C] (iv) Death of AJH on 3 Jan 1908; probate of his will with a codicil in the Principal Probate Registry on 21 May 1908; and Assent dated 21 Dec 1908 by his trustees to the vesting in EH of the devised land as in (iii). (v) Will dated 31 Aug 1925 of EH of 'Leaside Villa' appointing her adopted daughter Constance Mary Whitehouse, the niece of her late husband, and her husband Dr. William Henry Whitehouse as her executors. (vi) Death of EH on 18 April 1929 at Luton and probate of her will and a codicil on 22 June 1929 in the Principal Probate Registry.
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1929 To: 1997
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    No. of pieces: 1
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