• Reference
  • Title
    Terrier of lands of Edward Brockett in Dunton and attached to his mansion house at Millow Blackwell Field - 1 throughout acre in Long Bunting Furlong; land of John Paine S and Mr.Pirkett N; - 1 otherell yard in Long Bunting Furlong; land of John Mitchell S and Lady Spencer N]; - 1 rood in Brooke Furlong; land of Lady Spencer S and N; - half acre butting W on Ten Acre Hedge; land of Lady Spencer N and S; - 1 otherell yard butting as aforesaid; land of John Searle N, a baulk lying S; - half acre; land of Lady Spencer N and S; - half acre in Watland; land of John Searle N and Lady Spencer S; [Red Field] - half acre at S end of Millow; land of Lady Spencer N and S; - 1 otherell yard in Rieland Furlong; land of Eustace Curtis E and Lady Spencer W; - 1 otherall yard in Rieland Furlong; land of Mr.Pirkett E and Lady Spencer W; - 2 roods butting upon Stratton Hedges to W; land of Lady Spencer N and S; - 2 otherall yards in Middle Furlong; land of Lady Spencer lying between them and John Mitchell to N; - 1 acre on W side of Millow; land of Lady Spencer E and W; - half acre at Bracke Lanes End; land of Lady Spencer E and W; - 1 three rood stitch at Millow; land of John Searle E and John Paine W; - half acre in Windmill Furlong; E end butting on Mr.Pirkett's headland, land of Lady Spencer N and Mr.Pirkett S; Downhill Field - 1 otherall yard lying under the down in Mead Furlong; butting E upon the mead and land of Lady Spencer N and S; - one half acre, "two lands of" in Mead Furlong; land of John Mitchell S and Lady Spencer N; - 1 throughout acre in Mead Furlong; land of Lady Spencer N and Mr.Pirkett S; - 1 throughout rood in Mead Furlong with a bush growing on it; - 1 throughout acre in Mead Furlong ; land of Lady Spencer N and Mr.Pirkett S; - 1 rood lying under the down in Sillion Furlong butting upon Edworth Field ; - half acre lying in the mead next to land of Lady Spencer in tenure of Robert Brockett S and Bury Piece N; - 2 throughout otherall yards lying together in a furlong, one land of Lady Spencer in tenure of Robert Brockett between them ; - one rood "in the same furlong" [Sillion Furlong?]; land of Lady Spencer N and S; - 1 otherall yard "in the same furlong"; land of Mr.Pirkett N and Lady Spencer S; - 1 otherall yard in Hungry Home; land of John Mitchell S; - 2 half acres "in the same furlong", Hungry Home Piece lying between them; Clay Field next to Ashwell - 3 otherall yards lying together in Willow Furlong, the Willow Piece lying E and W; - 2 half acres in Longbrook Furlong; land of Lady Spencer lying between them; - 1 three rood stitch and 1 otherall yard lying together in Longbrook Furlong; land of Lady Spencer N and S; - 1 three rood in a stitch butting upon Shipp End Furlong; land of Lady Spencer E and John Searle W; - 1 acre in Staple Cross Furlong butting upon Staple Cross Way; land of Lady Spencer N and S; - half acre in a furlong butting upon Staple Cross Furlong; land of John Searle N and Mr.Pirkett S; - 2 half acres in Long Willow Furlong; land of Lady Spencer lying between them; butting E upon Staple Cross Way; - 2 otherall yards in Andrews Ditch Furlong being ditched and quick set on S side; - 3 roods lying together in Bridgefoot Furlong; land of Lady Spencer N and S; - half acre in Bridgefoot Furlong; land of Lady Spencer N and John Searle S; - half acre in Bridgefoot Furlong; land of Lady Spencer S and John Searle N; - half acre in Bridgefoot Furlong; land of John Searle S and Eustace Curtis N; - half acre in Bridgefoot Furlong; land of Mr.Pirkett S and glebe land N; - half acre in Dunton Field lying in a furlong called Brack Furlong; land of Lady Spencer N and Mr.Pirkett S; - 2 half acres lying together in a furlong butting W upon Bridgefoot Furlong; land of lady Spencer S and John Searle N; - half acre in Crouch Furlong; land of Lady Spencer S and John Paine N; - 1 rood in Crouch Furlong; land of Mr.Pirkett S and John Searle N; - 1 adjoining the previous rood to W; land of Lady Spencer N and John Mitchell S; - 1 rood in Crouch Furlong lying "one land of from the same roode before last expressed"; - 1 rood in Rea Furlong; land of Lady Spencer to N and John Searle S; - 1 long rood lying upon the side of the hill; land of Lady Spencer N and S; Land totalled as 29 acres and half a rood Land of the tenementt in Newton, Dunton in the fields of Dunton and Newton - half acre in Dunton Field in Rea Furlong; land of Lady Spencer N and Thomas Catlen S; - 1 rood in Chicken Furlong; land of William Newgoose S and John Barber N; - half acre in Chicken Furlong; land of Lady Spencer S and Thomas Catlen N; - half acre lying by Cartons Bush; land of Lady Spencer N and Mr.Pirkett S; - 1 rood in Beanehill Furlong; land of Lady Spencer N and John Plomer S; - 1 rood in Brook Furlong; land of Thomas Carter S and Mr.Pirkett N; - 1 rood in Brook Furlong; land of Lady Spencer N and S; - 1 otherall yard in Brook Furlong; land of Lady Spencer S and Mr.Pirkett N; - 3 roods together in the brook, both hedged and quick set round about; - half acre in the brook with a sufficient quick hedge round about it; - 2 otherall yards together in Woobery; a baulk lying on S side; - half acre in a furlong butting towards Woobury; land of Mr.Pirkett S and John Plomer N; - half acre in Healand Furlong; land of John Fisher E and Mr.Pirkett W; - half acre in Healand Furlong; land of Mr.Pirkett E and Lady Spencer W; - half acre in Ansland Sturdy; land of Lady Spencer E and John Plomer W; - 2 half acres and 1 rood lying together in Broadland Furlong with a baulk on S and land of Mr.Pirkett N; - half acre in Rushbed Furlong; land of Lady Spencer E and John Barber W; - half acre in Sturdy Furlong; land of Mr.Pirkett N and S; - 1 rood and half acre lying together in Prin.. Furlong; land of Lady Spencer S and Mr.Pirkett N; - half acre in Windmill Furlong; land of John Plomer E and Mr.Pirkett W; - 1 throughout acre at the end of the close belonging to the said tenement; land of Lady Spencer S and Mr.Pirkett N; - 1 half acre being a headland lying between towns and being three crop land
  • Date free text
    29 Feb 1656
  • Production date
    From: 1656 To: 1656
  • Level of description