• Reference
  • Title
    The St Pauls Square Brewery Stagsden: the Dog and Duck, bought by Whittingstall & Long, 1788. Probate of Jas. Hoight of Stagsden, yeom. To gddau. Eliz. White real estate in Stanwick, Northants.; lands are to be managed till she comes of age by Hen. Staines of Bromham, gent; and Ambr. Bass, yeoman, Jos. White sr., butcher, John Clare, yeom., all of Stagsden; also cottage divided into 3 tenements in Stagsden, occ. Tim. Arne, Wm. Saunders, John Lovell; also silver cup and spoon, and 2 gold rings, and the same to gddau. Ann Gregory. To Jos. White sr. lease of house where testator dwells. Monetary bequests to sis. Mary Mobbs, to her sons Ric. & Geo., and to Jos. White jr., and servt. Eliz. Marriot, w. of Jos. Morgan of Olney, who is also to receive clothing yearly. Witn. Fra. Hoight, Hen. Horton, Isaac Hurst, Griffith Morgan. 25 June 1741. Pr. 9 October 1742
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  • Production date
    From: 1742 To: 1788
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