• Reference
  • Title
    The St Pauls Square Brewery The Hearse and Horses, Caldwell Street, Bedford, bought by Whittingstall & Long, 1785. Conveyance (feoffment): (i) Fra. Bannister, dr. phys. Wm. Paley, gent., both of Bedford. (ii) Thos. Beaumont of Bedford, gent. -- property as before. (Recites that Ol. & Temp. Cokayne are both dead, and (i) are the surviving trustees; Thos. Beaumont has paid the sum of 45 specified in indenture of 18 Nov. 1633.) Witn. Robt. Beverley, Jon. Beaumont, Walt. Sabey. 3 September 1650. Seals: 2 on tags (? arm.). Endorsed: '23 Sept. 1650: I sued out a fine, being at the house of Thos. Crofts; Mr. Hen. Fitzhugh being mayor, & Thos. Crofts & Sim. Becket bailiffs. Thom. Brace.
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1633 To: 1650
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