• Reference
  • Title
    The St. Paul's Square Brewery The brewery site Conveyance (lease & release): 1000. (i) Wm. Belsham of Bedford, gent., s. & dev. of Ann Belsham of Bedford, wid. (ii) Sam. Whitbread of Cardington, esq. (iii) Jos. Delafield of Middx., gent. -- a dwellinghouse in St. Paul's parish, late occ. Thos. Woodward, now Eliz. Woodward; 2 pieces of garden near it leading to the river, on either side of the Sessions House walk; a dwellinghouse in St. Paul's parish, late occ. Fra. Jennings, then Ann Belsham, since Wm. Belsham, now Wm. Long; and the brewhouse, storehouse, offices and buildings thereto belonging; adj. sd. 2 messuages; which sd. messuages, brewhouse, offices and buildings front N. on St. Paul's church, and are 60' in breadth, and are bounded S. by the Ouse, W. by a house and grounds belonging to Mr. Wm. Theed (occ. Eliz. Freelove wid.), and E. by the Sessions House or Shire Hall; 3 messuages on the W. side of Angel Street, late occ. Edw. Cook, Mary Franklin wid., & Thos. Reynolds, now Edw. Allison, Eliz. Pollard, Wm. Cooper; and the outhouses behind them; fronting E. 50 ft.; bded. S & W. by Harpur's Hospital and the garden and orchard thereto belonging; N. by house and garden late occ. by Mr. Ric.Lovesay; the White Horse inn, with maltingho. adj. and other outbuildings, in St Paul's parish, occ. Thos. Pell and Messrs. Whittingstall; a yard behind 3 messuages in White Horse Street alias Duck Lane, occ. Hen. & Jas. Whittingstall; which 3 messuages were heretofore occ. by Wm. Tucker, Wid. Langley & Wm. Wootton, but when the houses were sold to Tucker & Wootton the yard was reserved; but the inhabitants of the houses were allowed ingress and egress; a large barn in sd. yard adj. an outbuilding bel. to the White Horse inn; occ. H. & J. Whittingstall; a granary standing at the end of the yard; occ. H. & J. Whittingstall; the sd. inn, maltinghouse, yard, barn & granary are bded. E. by White Horse Street alias Duck Lane; S. by Well Street; W. by a messuage of Wm. Hill occ. Eliz. Fox; N. by a close & farm belonging to the Duke of Bedford, occ. Wm. Field. a new brick malting in St. Paul's parish, in occ. sd. Messrs. Whittingstall; a close or orchard adj. occ. Thos. Pell; bded S. by Well Street, E. by a messuage of Wm. Hill occ. Eliz. Fox; W. by a messuage and ground occ. Wm. Bright; N. by a farmyard of the Duke of Bedford occ. Wm. Field; a messuage adj. W. to the White Horse inn, occ. Geo. Allison at 7.10s. p.a.; a messuage adj. NE. to the White Horse inn, occ. Thos. Pell; subject to an annuity or yearly rent charge of 140 for the lives of Wm. Belsham and Eliz. Woodward; after the death of Eliz. Woodward 156 to Wm. Belsham. Witn. Thos. Strong, Abe. Harman. Endorsed: 'Brewhouse'
  • Date free text
    24-25 Decmber 1783
  • Production date
    From: 1783 To: 1783
  • Level of description