• Reference
    W935, W936
  • Title
    Conv. in trust by lease and release: annuities of £25 & £12.12. (i) Thos. Glasse of Lond. cit. & merch. tailor. (ii) Israel Wilkes sem. of Mdx. distiller. (iii) Israel Wilkes jun. distiller. (iv) Eliz. Nesbitt sen. of London widow & Eliz. Nesbitt jun. spr. (v) Rob. Nesbitt of Lond. M.D. & wife Deborah. - - 2 messuages & land as described in W933-4 (the purchase money being R.N's & his wife's marriagge portion.) Wtns. Jos. Pitts, Thos. Smith, Edm. Reilly. 13, 14 July 1744 (Endorsed : 23 Ap. 1744 : Transaction of trust (for J.N. & hiers.) (i) Sarah Wilkes (wid. of I.W jr.) (ii) Jn. Nesbitt of Cotton End Card. esq., Eliz. Sophia & Mary Dob. Nesbitt of Lamb's Conduit St. Holborn. sprs. (iii) Jeremy Fish Palmer of Bedford gent. - (ii) being children. of Rob. & Deb. N. now deceased. & each entitled to 1/3 of sum of £900. Recites: - Will of R.N. on the 29 Sept. 1759. - 28 Sept. 1774 : declaration of trust : £2000 mortgage money. (mortgages W937, 938 & endorsment. & recites above endorsement.) - 24 June 1785 : Assignment : J. Fish Palmer, E.S. & M.D. Nesbitt, Benj. King, Wm. Arnold, Jos. Delafield. (Recites further charges at W940 - 1 & death of J.N. intestate Sept. 1783; Conveyance at W948 - 9 : after auction of estate for £3200 - B.K. pd. in full, rest to J.F.P.)
  • Date free text
    13 Jul 1744, 14 Jul 1744
  • Production date
    From: 1744 To: 1785
  • Level of description