• Reference
  • Title
    Will of Edw. Lawrence of St. Ives Hunts. (copy). '... to be buried in a coffin lined with lead in the chancel of the parish church of St. Ives : 100 to be laid out for funeral & 60 for erecting monument to some of ancestors buried, in sd. par. church. - remainder thereof if any to the poor. - Property in Hunts. Cambs. & Beds. to trustees, sir Edw. Pickering & Thos. Hammond. 150 annuity to sis. Anne Tench without any interference from her husb. Capt. Philip Tench, To same sis. his annuity of 100 from Jos. Dunning of St. James's st. Walter. perukemaker during life of J.D. & his furn. in lodging in St. James's place. To Capt. P.T. - 150 To nieces Mary & Rebecca Woolaston - 20 ea. for mourning - 'I being satisfied that my sd. nephew Isaac W. will be kind & loving to them', To Edw. Bewick als Lawrence - 20 & 'my late uncle's Offleys estate in sussex'. (mortgaged). To nephew Josias Woollaston - 5/ - & no more. To servts. who have completed one whole year - 5 To nephew Isaac Woolaston of Lowesby Leics. - Rem. : to take name & arma of Lawrence. (Confirms settlement of 12 June 1745 : i. Sir Ed. L. ii. Isaac Woollaston & w.Sarah Rowlands. iii. Rob.Green. iv. Theodore Johnson & James Backhouse. v. Sir Ed. Pickering & Thos. Hammond & Recovery 2 July 1745.) I.W. - exor. Wtns. I. Abney, Jos. Dunning, Edw. Witham. 19 Dec. 1747. Codicil cancelling bequ. to servt. Edw. Witham on account of his being a witness & 'in tender respect' to sis. Tench. Wtns. J. Abney, Jn. Lambrecht, Jos. Dunning. 12 Ap. 1749 Examined. with probate : 23 June 1775 : Sam. Edwards.
  • Date free text
    19 Dec 1747
  • Production date
    From: 1747 To: 1749
  • Level of description