• Reference
  • Title
    Cov. to levy fine. (i) Wm. Whitbread of Card. gent. & w. Lettice. (ii) Thos. Margetts of Bedf. & Jn. Spencer sen. of same. Farm as in W227. 'Foreasmuch as by the sd. settlement the whole premises wd. .. descent .. unto Jonathan Whitbread as eldest s. .. which being all the reall e estate of the sd. Wm. Whitbread and the sd. rent charge (80 p.a. to Lettice) amntg. to half the value thereof or more there wd. nothing remaine out of the same for the advancement of the sd. yngr. chn.' - to reduce the rent charge to 40. Recites W277 (Marriage sett.) Ments. 3 sons & 6 daus. Wtns. Thos. Christie, Ro. Pulleyn, Jn. Hillersdon. 1 May 1668
  • Date free text
    1 May 1668
  • Production date
    From: 1668 To: 1668
  • Level of description